After a much-needed reprieve from the day-to-day workload during the fall semester, winter break has come to an end. Students are back on campus as they brace themselves for a fresh start and new course loads this upcoming 2025 spring semester. With this fresh start comes a new set of challenges and different course schedules that take time to become accustomed to.
Here is a set list of guidelines and pointers from the experiences of other students that you can draw from to help start off this semester stronger than ever. Specifically, regarding time management, obtaining required course materials, and prioritizing a mindful headspace at the same time.
One of the hardest parts of starting a new semester stems from the fact that routines take a while to develop. With an entirely new schedule, it can prove hard to know where you need to go and where you should be at any moment of the day on a moment’s notice. Omar Jozilan, a second-year Commercial Aviation student, spoke about how he sets himself up for success each semester and how he learns his schedule.
“I usually change the screen saver of my phone to my course saver during the first two weeks of the semester,” Omar said, adding on to the fact that he plans to “do it again this semester as it has proved to be useful in the past.” Although no two people are the same, this is definitely a good way to ensure easy access to your schedule and to know when and where they are located on campus.
Alongside with having your course schedule set and memorized, it is equally as important to read through each of your course’s syllabi prior to meeting in person for the first time so that you are aware of all the course materials that are required to be successful in the class. Especially when considering the expense that coincides with course materials, it can prove beneficial to budget for this expense prior to the start of the semester so that you are not caught off guard.
Lastly, it is incredibly easy to become overwhelmed at the start of a semester with every professor laying out their general expectations for the class and course schedule for the semester. So, it is equally important to take all this new information with a grain of salt and take it one day at a time. Find time early in the semester to reach out and reconnect with friends after break and realize that any apprehension that you may potentially be feeling, others are experiencing as well. With the following considerations in mind, there is no reason why you should not be able to kick off the new year and spring semester at UND in style.
Daniel Silva is a Dakota Student General Reporter. He can be reached at [email protected].