BLOG: Christmas overload

Is it just me or have the corporate stores in Grand Forks skipped Thanksgiving?

I went shopping over our three-day weekend. After originally making plans for Thanksgiving just days before, I returned to the my residence hall ready for Christmas music, movies and even winter break. Granted, it was snowing and that alone makes the holiday season for me, but still, I do not think we should be in that mindset until December 1 or at least the beginning of Thanksgiving day.

While shopping, I saw shirts with different Christmas sayings and Christmas decorations. I even heard a bit of Christmas music. OK, so it was on a music player giving examples of songs on a CD and it was the “Christmas Shoes” song. It’s a very inspiring song; however, it still bothers me.

While growing up in Wyoming, I got used to the Christmas decorations being put up around town on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which was the same day as the local Christmas parade, so this is just crazy to me.

I also remember growing up here in Grand Forks and hearing the first Christmas song of the year on December 1; nowadays, it seems as though hoping that could happen is a joke. If you can make it through Thanksgiving, that is great.

Based on what I saw this past weekend, I have to wonder if we have forgotten what Thanksgiving is all about. It’s not just about the dinner, football and even shopping. It is about being thankful for what we have and helping others who may not be so fortunate.

I think I am going to sit and watch the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving video next weekend just to refocus myself. We still have two weeks until Thanksgiving, and I plan to use them to enjoy the idea of family. Christmas will come soon enough.

thanksgiving cartoon sun times picayune

Photo courtesy of Chicago Sun Times
