Senate supports reduced parking enforcement
As a group of consultants looks at parking on the UND campus, Student Body President Tanner Franklin brought forward a resolution to the senate that would be in support of no parking enforcement on nights, weekends and holidays.
“This was drafted last semester and was essentially part of our campaign to work on parking,” Franklin said. “Is there a need for enforcement on nights, weekends and holidays?”
The resolution didn’t draw much discussion because all senators were in agreement with Franklin.
“This is a no nonsense resolution,” Senator Leah Larson said. “We’ve all heard stories, it just makes sense. Almost every university our size has similar rules.”
Each year, the senate is required to look at all the senate positions and determine if any need to be removed, or added. It was proposed that the Greek senator position be eliminated, because there is much confusion surrounding the position, which represents a much smaller group.
“It’s super confusing and it needs to go,” Senator Matt Kopp said. “We can add an additional off-campus senator.”
The motion was passed, the Greek senate position was eliminated and another off-campus senate position was added.
A bill proposed to the Student Senate that would help fund the Student Managed Investment Fund’s two trips last night was discussed at length before being passed, with revisions.
The original bill proposed to allocate $5,737 to SMIF to help send six students to a conference at Quinnipiac University and eight others to another conference in Detroit.
“I fully support this,” Kopp said. “This is a model for how these types of funding things should be done.”
Others at the meeting were not as quick to support the bill.
“I think it’s a wonderful program,” Franklin said. “But it’s a large amount for a select number of students. One of my main concerns is how many students this is going to effect.”
Senator Sam Lerma agreed with Franklin.
“Are we going to be setting a very expensive precedent?” Lerma asked. “As an engineering student, why am I being expected to fund something that benefits the business school?”
The conversation turned to whether the amount would be the same if it was funded by the Student Organization Funding Agency.
“The SOFA model would only fund $960 if it was a student organization,” Treasurer Matt Bluhm said. “It has nothing to do with how much your travel expenses are projected to be, it’s based on miles.”
The bill was amended to allocate $960 and passed.
“It is appropriate to fund this organization,” Senator John Mitzel said. “It is fair to do it, and that’s what the model said they would have gotten.”
Megan Hoffman is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at