Halloween is approaching!!

Hey everyone, once again another week has passed and another blog has to be written.

It is getting closer and closer to Halloween and that means everyone is trying to figure out what they want to be. Well, my work place allows us to dress up for a couple of days around Halloween and I’ve decided to be a hockey player. Surprise, surprise.

Since we can’t really be anything that would scare little kids, I figured why not be a hockey player. I mean, hockey is obviously a big deal around here.

My boyfriend is planning to come for a visit next week and I’m pretty excited. He even said he’ll bring his X-Box along, haha.

Classes are taking forever as usual; I just want this semester to be over with so I can enjoy the holidays.

The intruding cold has started taking its toll on my car as well. Since I have a 17-year-old car, it’s reliable but it hates the cold. As for me, I love the cold but not if it means I get sick. Staying home all day and missing class is not fun. However, the longer I rest, the quicker I can get back to it.

The University Band here at UND has a concert this Sunday at the Chester Fritz Auditorium and it’s our first one of the year. I would invite everyone reading this to come. So, there’s a lot going on in my life just like with every other college student, and hey our hockey teams are doing well as well.

The Wild started out rough but have picked it up since so I’m looking forward to their season as well. Here’s to hoping the seasons keep going great for all the hockey teams and our band concert goes well! Talk to you all next week.

Courtesy of minnesotawild.com