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Goodbye UND: Farewell from the Dakota Student Seniors

Claire Arneson

Aubrey Roemmich 

Year Started, Major, Minor, Etc. 

I started Fall of 2020 as an English major with a second major in Political Science. My original plan was to go to law school, but instead I am continuing my educating in graduate school to hopefully become a college English professor. I will be graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English and a certificate in creative writing.  

Favorite Memory from UND 

My favorite memory from UND is from the fall of my second year. I was taking a creative writing class and my professor had encouraged me to submit some work to the Floodwall Literary Magazine. Completely to my surprise, it got accepted, and from that semester on, I have been an active participant in all of Floodwall’s events. Floodwall has been such a huge part of my college career, and I’m so grateful for all the opportunities it has presented to me.  

Best Kept Secret – Hacks to college Advice to others 

Use the resources UND provides! I wish that I had looked for more resources on campus when I first entered as a freshman. UND is a smaller campus, but it has so many in-house resources that are underutilized. Some of the most underutilized resources are located in the library. When you’re doing research, reach out to a subject librarian and discuss your research methods and what you’ve compiled. They are so friendly and helpful and always available through Starfish. Our writing center is also located in the library, and it is full of people who love helping their peers with their writing. It can be intimidating asking for help, but I promise it’s worth it!  

Claire Arneson 

Year Started, Major, Minor, Etc. 

I started at the University of North Dakota in the Fall of 2020 – a unique experience that was isolating and created a community between me and other first-year students. At the start of my college career, I was a psychology major and had been declared pre-physician’s assistant. In the Spring of 2021, I took ENGL 110 and fell in love with English and writing. The next semester, I became an English major with Communications minor and started getting a certificate in writing and editing.  

Favorite Memory from UND 

I think my all-time favorite memories at UND took place in Merrifield Hall on campus. Even though that building is closed for renovation until next year, that building holds a lot of sentimental value to not only me but anyone who has ever had a class in that building. I remember getting coffee at Archives, and then heading over to Merrifield for my classes, I remember forming a literary club with some of my best friends, and I remember everything I learned and created during my undergraduate career.   

Best Kept Secret – Hacks to college Advice to others 

A piece of advice I wish someone shared with me before I started college would be to take as many classes as you can. You may start school thinking you like one thing and really discover your passion has been elsewhere all along. Do not be scared to not have declared a major, this is the time to not only figure out what you want to do, but who you want to be.  

A little secret to hacking your college career would be to apply for all of the scholarships you can. Get that money! The best places to study on campus are Archives, the 4th floor of the Chester Fritz Library, or the skywalk between Merrifield and Nistler. DO NOT become a resident assistant for housing… just do not do it. Make mistakes and live your life to the fullest.  

Kira Symington 

Year Started, Major, Minor, Etc. 

In 2021, I started with a Philosophy and English double major, pursuing a Certificate in French while abroad next semester. 

Favorite Memory from UND 

I’m sure I’ll say studying abroad, but since I haven’t actually left for that yet, I’ll pick something else. I’m going to sound a little nerdy here but when I make something I’m proud of whether it be a paper or something else, I feel like all the time and money I’ve poured into my education are worth it. Outside of the education stuff, my favorite times have been with all the lovely people I have met here in literary clubs, classes, and otherwise.  

Best Kept Secret – Hacks to college/Advice to others 

Keep a good, detailed calendar. I try to keep the next two months with important deadlines and events posted in my room. Keep a good schedule on your phone. I have my class assignments on Power Planner on my laptop and on School Planner on my phone. Say yes to some opportunities but no to others. Know your limits and take on projects that you can handle. Enjoy your education; often what you put into classes, you get out of them. Study abroad! Apply for as many scholarships as possible. Ask for help when you need it. 


Claire Arneson is a Dakota Student Section Editor. She can be reached at [email protected] 

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