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The student news site of University of North Dakota

Dakota Student

The student news site of University of North Dakota

Dakota Student

The student news site of University of North Dakota

Dakota Student

Things I’ve done and learned

Things I’ve done and learned

Maggie O’Leary, Multimedia editor May 5, 2015

Photo courtesy of Saturday April 25, I attended Green Dot training. The Green Dot program here at UND is sponsored by the Dean of Students, and our training was the first. Green...

VIEW: The Future

Maggie O’Leary, Multimedia editor February 21, 2015

After many drafts of a brutal personal statement, paralyzing existential conversations with wise and gently stern professors, a writing sample that put the fear of God in me, and a bottle of good whiskey,...

What we can learn from Ferguson

Maggie O’Leary, Multimedia Editor December 4, 2014

I have been looking forward to my Thanksgiving break since the second day of school. Since moving to Grand Forks, I have spent this interlude in the Cities, guzzling Bloody Marys and enjoying the feeling...

Editors celebrate the autumnal

Editors celebrate the autumnal

Carl Sagan, late scientist and turtleneck enthusiast. Photo submitted. Will Beaton, Editor-in-Chief The best part about fall in G-Funk is the ability to wear awesome sweaters — bonus points for...

Inconsiderate people ruin fun nights at the bar

Maggie O’Leary, Multimedia Editor September 26, 2014

The trouble with bars is they’re touch-and-go. There are bars that facilitate revelry, places that we will visit on our deathbeds and chortle over fondly before we expire. There are also bars that are...

Intellectual discovery at school

Intellectual discovery at school

Maggie O’Leary, Multimedia Editor September 12, 2014

A familiar position for all of us, I'm sure. Photo via Reddit. There will be, if there hasn’t been already, a class you take in college that kills you. It constantly forces itself into your consciousness...

Simple hack or sex crime?

Maggie O’Leary, Multimedia Editor September 7, 2014

Because I am 21 years old and because I exist, I spend a certain (not to be divulged) amount of time on the Internet. I can say with absolute confidence that this is an inclination I share with what I’m...

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