DS View: Peace

Earlier this week, I found myself having some deep thoughts about life at the time of day that any normal human being would — 2 a.m. Of course, during the day our brains often refuse to perform even the most basic functions when we actually need them to, but lying in bed waiting to fall asleep can actually bring some insight into your life.

I was doing a lot of thinking about a pretty abstract concept — happiness. What is happiness? Although there is no absolute answer to this question, I personally believe that happiness is a temporary state in which we are able to appreciate the situation that we’re in. I don’t think happiness is the permanent state that many people believe it to be. While some people may experience moments of happiness more frequently than others, nobody is in a permanent state of bliss. The phrase “pursuit of happiness” is one that gets thrown around a lot, but is happiness something that can really be reached? For example, many people think that wealth or fame will bring them happiness, but even the wealthiest people in the world have so many problems accompanying their wealth that there is no way that they could be in a permanent state of happiness. In fact, I don’t think being in a permanent state of happiness would be a advantageous way to live. On the spectrum of human emotions, all our different emotions serve a different purpose. For example, while we may find stress unpleasant, it can also drive us to achieve our full potential.

So, if we can’t ever reach a permanent state of happiness, then what should we strive for? Simply put, I say we should aim for peace and balance in our lives. Happiness is a temporary emotion that can come and go. Peace, however, is a state of being that can be much more easily achieved and maintained. In my opinion, a sense of peace and well-being can be achieved by finding a balance in our lives. This means balancing out our social lives and our obligations, our bodies and our minds, our work and our relaxation, and so on.

Furthermore, from a state of peace and balance, I believe that happiness might be more obtainable. As I previously stated, I personally believe that happiness is a temporary state in which we are able to appreciate the situation that we’re in. Perhaps from a state of peace, we are more able to appreciate the world around us and our current situation, rather than relying on excitement of a lifestyle of excess to achieve happiness.

Larry Philbin is the News Editor of The Dakota Student. He can be reached at laurence.philbin@my.und.edu.