The student news site of University of North Dakota

Dakota Student

The student news site of University of North Dakota

Dakota Student

The student news site of University of North Dakota

Dakota Student

VIEW: Sincerity

Will Beaton and Larry Philbin May 5, 2015

When you have one chance to say the right thing in the best way, what will it be? This is not only the question facing newspaper editors squinting at computer screens as the deadline to print approaches. It...

Putting education above fear

Will Beaton and Larry Philbin April 16, 2015

  The friends of UND student Alex Davis were doing homework, chatting about sea lions and listening to music when they got the news he had died. Alex hadn’t shown up to work that morning,...

VIEW: Mandalas

Larry Philbin, Staff writer March 13, 2015

Among Tibetan Buddhists, there is a very interesting tradition that recently captured my curiosity — the creation and destruction of sand mandalas. While it’s hard to describe how intricate and...

VIEW: Communication

Will Beaton and Larry Pilbin March 3, 2015

This week, a resolution was proposed to Student Senate that would cut funding to The Dakota Student. Though we didn’t learn of this resolution’s existence until the night before it was heard, we spoke...

DS View: Rights

Will Beaton and Larry Philbin February 5, 2015

I figured you’d be able to see far from the Tower of Hope, but who knew it was in Manitoba? Last weekend, we went to the brand new Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, and it was seriously...

DS View: Free Speech

Larry Philbin, News Editor January 23, 2015

While most of us were home with our families enjoying the holidays over break, a couple of events occurred that once again made the public take a critical look at the current state of free speech. First,...

DS View: Canada!

Larry Philbin, News Editor November 18, 2014

As students living in the northern half of North Dakota, I am always surprised at how often we forget about our friendly neighbor to the north — Canada. As the late Robin Williams once said when asked...

DS View: Suicide

Larry Philbin, News Editor November 8, 2014

This past week, there has been a lot of controversy on the Internet surrounding the death of an Oregon woman named Brittany Maynard. Maynard, 29, decided to take her own life in her home this past Sunday....

Pets beneficial to college students

Pets beneficial to college students

Misti Meads, Will Beaton, and Larry Philbin November 8, 2014

Duffy the dog looking dapper and incredibly adorable. Photo by Will Beaton. Misti Meads, Features Editor: Since I could remember, I have dealt with anxiety. I would often have panic attacks or become...

DS View: Lucky

Larry Philbin, News Editor November 8, 2014

When a lot of us think about privileged members of society, we immediately think of the vastly wealthy Wall Street Jordan Belfort types. To some extent, I understand why people think like this. After all,...

DS View: Pizza

Will Beaton and Larry Philbin October 31, 2014

Pizza. Of all the late-night foods that fill dorm room mini-fridges and overflow college trash bins, you are the one we have cherished the most. The first thing to notice about you is your scent. The...

DS View: College pets

Larry Philbin, News Editor October 14, 2014

There are many factors anyone needs to take into consideration when deciding whether or not to get a pet — especially when you’re still in college. While I certainly would not discourage someone...

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