‘In Case of Crisis’ added to UND app
Photo via incaseofcrisis.com.
Last week, students received an email alerting them to the newest option available on the UND app. Crisis Info allows students and faculty members access to emergency preparedness plans, incident reports or information on hazardous conditions and ask questions.
In the email, UND’s Associate Director for Emergency Management Mike Lefever was quoted about the newest option on the UND app.
“In Case of Crisis gives us the ability to put our emergency plans and training into the hands of our community members for instant access,” Lefever said. “It also enables us to leverage technology for safety hazard reporting to our operations center so that we can keep our campus safe. The integration into our university app via Blackboard also allows more community members to have access to this information.”
After opening the UND app, click on the Crisis Info icon. From there, you are taken to a menu with several different options, such as Emergency Contacts, Tornado, Active Shooter, Report Safety Hazard and UND Cares. These options give information on what to do in case of an emergency, and list emergency contact names and numbers.
“I feel like this app has a lot of good information, but I’m not sure how much it will be used in certain situations,” UND junior Matthew Vig said. “It’s good that they are making that information available, I’m just not sure that students will be checking an app if there really is an emergency such as a tornado, active shooter or sexual assault.”
“I thought it was nice to have everything on your phone, especially the emergency contact number,” UND law student Amanda Corey said.
Katie Haines is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at katie.haines@my.und.edu.