Letter to the editor


I read the “Walking” article dated April 1, 2014. I have the same crosswalk problem at the GFK Airport. It’s North Dakota people. They are not exposed enough on crosswalks.

Minnesota has a code law that revokes your drivers license on the second time that you are cited for failure to yield to a pedestrian.

In New England, walkers do not even look each direction of the street. They just hold out their finger and point to the crosswalk ground and Yankee boogie across the street.

I recommend the “spanking of cars” be kept to UND. If you spank a car in Chicago, you will be face to face with a “Got a Problem Pal?”

Document the license number, time, date, infraction and turn it in to the police. Also, UND police should be on University Ave more. Safety is no accident; trust but verify. Maybe we are all safer in the air!

Lyn Augustin

UND graduate