BLOG: Farewell fall semester

This is it. The home stretch. The end of an era – or Fall semester.

I know, I know. It’s something to look forward too, not that big a deal.

By this age I’ve experienced so many endings and breaks, that I should be accustomed to goodbyes, sadness, and exams.

But I’m not. I don’t think I’ll ever be.

The fact that my first semester of college will be done in over a week is confusing and exciting all at the same time. My brain’s like, “YES! You did it, take a break. Go home, be with family, relax”. But my heart’s like, “This is your new home and you have to leave it after five months. All those classmates you became friends with, they’ll be whispers in the wind on campus. You’ll have to get comfortable all over again.”

I don’t fair well with change or time. I can’t stand the idea of losing where I’m at, yet I wouldn’t have been here if all that time didn’t pass.

I never really feel like I’m in the moment, and when I am in the moment, I realize I lost my past and I’m rapidly heading to the future. No in between and relax time. Just a constant rush, rush, go. All this rush, rush, go, just to come back to start from scratch,

It’s the cycle of life and it keeps sneaks up on me.

But I want to take this moment to acknowledge what a great first semester of my first college year this was.

I don’t know if I’ve changed as a person (my waist has), or if I’ve learned anything monumental (educationally).I’ve definitely has some great and not-great experiences, realizations, and occasions. But overall I’m beyond satisfied and thrilled.I’ve gotten to learn more about the Midwest, my fellow suitemates, my floor, and my classmates.

So, farewell to arms, c’est la vie, au revoir, arrivederci, que sera sera – goodbye Fall semester 2013! It’s been one heck of a thrill ride. Let’s do it again.