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“King of the Wall” Competition Draws New Climbers to Wellness Center

Quindelynne Davis

April 1 marked the beginning of a month-long climbing competition at the UND Wellness Center. The “King of the Wall” contest is free to enter and divided into three skill-based categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Participants receive a scorecard to record their results, which are calculated at the end of the month. Winners will receive prize packages comprised of assorted gift cards donated by local business sponsors. All Wellness Center members are welcome to compete.   

The UND Campus Recreation Coordinator, Braeden Mueller, stated that the competition has been going on every semester for the past few years. It is a great opportunity for those who have perhaps considered giving climbing a try. Equally, it is an opportunity for the small but devoted community of climbers at UND to showcase their passion. Mueller pointed out that the rock wall at UND is the only one in town, creating an almost inevitable sense of comradery among the student climbers that work there and the ones who climb there frequently.  

The students who frequent the wall are diverse in their fields of study. One student employee at the rock wall is an electrical engineering major focused on computer science, William Rowe. He is currently a rock wall attendant but will soon be becoming program manager next semester. He has been climbing on the Wellness Center’s rock wall since the beginning of his student career at UND and is an advocate for the sport. He remarked that promotional endeavors like this are effective at bringing in newcomers.  

“King of the Wall is a free competition every year. We do get a lot of attendance,” Rowe said. He also highlighted an event held in the fall semester called “Cosmic Climbing.”  

“We put a bunch of tarps along the windows to block out the light, make sure that all the holds are brightly colored, and we put up blacklights so everything stands out,” Rowe said. :It’s supposed to be more of like a spacey-feeling, cosmic event! Sometimes we do a competition with it.”   

Mueller, noted with a smile, “we do get the same group of students coming in, you know, every week, and the core group of students are pretty devoted.”  

Remarkably, in the flat expanse of the Red River Valley, a small body of climbers exists.  

Rowe and Mueller both promoted the climbing clinic held on April 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the UND Wellness Center rock wall. No previous climbing experience is required, and attendants will be present to assist beginners with the basics and challenge pros with frequently updated climbing routes. The clinic serves as the perfect entry point for interested beginners and a convenient showcase for the “King of the Wall” competition routes.  

“People are surprised by what a good workout climbing is,” Mueller stated in an interview.   

Indeed, climbing can burn roughly 500 calories per hour and exercises multiple groups of muscles. Not only is it an effective workout, but it is also admittedly enjoyable. It is no wonder some students have made it their preferred pastime. 


Quindelynne Davis is a Dakota Student General Reporter. She can be reached at [email protected] 

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