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Not Your Typical Spring Break Plans

Aspen Jewkes

The highly awaited spring break is nearly here, signaling the time for trips, traveling, and fun. Every year, spring break is widely celebrated by college students, and most times, this involves traveling with friends to somewhere warm. However, traveling to a tropical destination is often expensive. If you are not able to afford a trip somewhere exotic this spring break, that is completely normal. Being in college, it is hard to spend money on things like vacations when you must pay for classes, materials, and other various school items. There are many things one may do in place of travel for spring break, including spring cleaning, spending time at home, or practicing self-care to successfully complete the rest of the semester.  

If you do not have travel plans, the most popular runner up is a trip back to your hometown. Heading home for the weekend is a great option for relaxation and getting to see family. At home, you can visit old friends, see your dog, pick up a new book, go for walks, and eat at your favorite restaurants. This may also function as a cheaper alternative to traveling somewhere tropical for spring break, making it appealing to students who are aiming to save their money. Taking a trip home may be preferred by some students. After graduation, many students will continue with the next chapter of their life and pursue a career corresponding with their degree. As this happens, trips back home may become rare. Going home for spring break prior to graduation may allow you to visit and enjoy the time you have there.  

As for another spring break activity, spring cleaning is an exceptional activity to conduct while enjoying the time off. While it may initially appear as a daunting task, spring cleaning can be extremely productive and can help declutter your home. Over the seasons, things may accumulate and clutter your room or living space. Spring cleaning may prompt you to get rid of unnecessary items that you could donate to a thrift store or shelter. By doing so, you may provide someone with something that they could not otherwise afford. You are doing yourself a service, as well as those in the community. This is an excellent task to tackle over spring break.  

If you have to work or live in town and are here for spring break, there are a few activities you can participate in. Trying a new hobby, restaurant, or recipe are a few activities that can cost little to none. If the weather permits, outdoor walks are one of the best forms of exercise during these months. Though you may not want to focus on school during the week off, spring break can be an exceptional time to advance in your schoolwork. Regardless of the option you choose, there are many pastimes that may be explored as an alternative to taking a spring break vacation.  


Sadie Blace is a Dakota Student Section Editor. She can be reached at [email protected]. 

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