Housing Changes

A look into the uncertain future

Cortnie Cottrell, News Writer

Update Feb. 1, 2019: This story published Jan. 29, 2019 previously stated that Mcvey hall and West hall would be torn down this coming fall semester but it has not been decided that these buildings will be torn down. The university is currently looking into alternative uses for these structures.

As of the start of the 2019 Spring Semester, the housing team has concluded that rearranging the housing situation at the University of North Dakota will be beneficial to all residents that will be living on campus. Currently, there are a total of 14 residence halls, but at the beginning of fall semester 2019, there will be twelve and the University Place will be open to first-year students. Leaving the current residents with the option to either live in a different residence hall or to live in an on-campus apartment.

Housing representatives strongly encourage students to live on-campus because they have found that individuals who live in the UND residence halls have overall higher GPAs when compared to off-campus students. They also benefit from many conveniences and are more likely to be active in the positive environment that the UND campus offers.

With that, Squires, Walsh and Bek residence halls will no longer be available for first-year students, with speculations that Walsh will soon join the list of residence buildings being eliminated.  The reason for this rearrangement is to keep all first-year students together and to place them in the residence halls that are closest to Wilkerson which has the main dining center and package pick-up area.

Due to the stipulation that first-year students are required to have an unlimited meal plan, this will allow for efficient first year living because they will be able to use their dining dollars, meal plan and bonus meals all at the Wilkerson dining center. There is also a possibility that at the beginning of next year, the Squires dining center will no longer be a buffet style dining center, but instead it will turn into a dining area similar to the Old Main Market which is located in the Memorial Union.

According to Olivia Gadeerry, a housing office employee, the start and end date for the construction of the rearrangement are currently unofficial, but will be decided in the near future. With the rearrangement, residence halls McVey and West will not be available next year.

“As being a first-year student at UND myself, I believe that this new housing arrangement will be more beneficial for all students, especially the first year students,” Abbi Smith, UND freshman said. “This will allow for students the opportunity to meet others in which who are experiencing the new college life as well.”

As for all changes, conflict may arise with residents who are currently living in University Place. Even though they will not be able to continue their stay at University Place, they will be able to reside near others in which are closer in age and experience. This new set up in housing will allow for new students and returning students to be in close proximity of each other, that have similar experiences and for the majority, age gaps will be more similar to each other.

If you have any questions regarding the plans for next year or anything regarding UND housing at all contact the housing office, they are more than willing to answer any of your questions.