Authors vs. Imagination

Last week, George R.R. Martin released a new book detailing many aspects of his hit series “Game of Thrones.” As an avid fan, I rushed online to get a sneak peak. His new book includes brilliant illustrations of his fantasy world of Westeros.

While scrolling through the illustrations, I was mesmerized with how beautiful his fantasy world is. But over the past few days I’ve been thinking about the illustrations quite a bit, and I’ve slowly become more indifferent.

I’ve always enjoyed fantasy stories because the reader is allowed a significant amount of creative licensing. While reading a story one has the freedom to imagine the make-believe world within one’s own cognitive rendition.  The author certainly guides the reader but the ultimate depiction rests with the reader.

So as I looked back through these illustrations, I realized they are nothing close to the renditions I formed while reading the books.

Now I’m at a crossroads. Do I accept Martin’s new images while reading the series, or do I stick to my own imagination?

An average person might think I am crazy, and perhaps quite weird, for even contemplating an issue that seems somewhat trivial. However, I’m passionate about the series, so this dilemma holds significant weight for me. Likewise, I can draw broader conclusions for those who read fantasy series, as well as any college student.

For those who read fantasy series, I think it is absolutely imperative that you read and cultivate the make-believe world as you imagine it. When a book is transformed into a film version, or if illustrations are published one should definitely appreciate the creative aspects of the new rendition. But it’s also essential that you remember the original rendition that you formed because it has a special place in your own mind.

The very nature of fantasy series promotes creative thinking. As college students it is very important that we constantly exercise our minds. The genre of fantasy is an excellent way of doing this. You have to exercise your imagination to understand a totally different world.

Developing an imagination, even as an adult is very important. I think often times society believes imagination and thinking in make-believe ways to be something reserved for children. But adults should certainly think in imaginative ways as well. In doing this we can be more creative, approach problems with a different view, and go about life in a more playful way.

The life of a college student is filled with pressures. Exams and term papers, social life, work and many other factors contribute to stress. Having an imagination is an excellent way of getting your mind off of the day-to-day hassles. Developing an adult imagination doesn’t have to come from fantasy series. One can simply take time to meditate, or daydream; even journaling can be a great avenue for opening up the mind.

Most important to a pursuit of imaginative thought is the uniqueness it entails. I imagine the world of Westeros in such a way that only I can understand. When other depictions come into play then our interpretations are forced and altered. Imaginative thought should be wholly your own, and it should definitely bleed into our real world lives.

Colin Mummery is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. He can be reached at [email protected].