BLOG: Is it just me, or is the room spinning?

Well, after spending a week in bed, I am back on my feet and ready to take the world by storm. I know it sounds awesome staying in bed all day, too sick to do anything mentally strenuous, but let me assure you, it sucks.

I am not someone who can just enjoy lying around when I should be doing something else. For some reason, household chores never really qualify as something I should be doing…funny how that works.

Usually I do all my homework when out sick, but this time around, I couldn’t really read. Trying to make sense of words on a page made the room spin. It was not fun.

Because I’ve been sick for so long, I’ve been spending way too much time on my Xbox playing the “Elder Scrolls.” It’s the perfect game when I’m too sick to sleep or think. It doesn’t take much strategy, nor is it terribly challenging. However, it has enough of a universe to keep me interested and I adore playing with personality traits and working out stories.

Granted, the medication the docs had me on kept me pretty dizzy and out of it, so this may have influenced my enjoyment of the game. Also, my roommate has a sixty-inch high-definition TV, so there was that too. And the spin-y room thing I mentioned earlier actually made the game more real.

But as I was saying, as frustrating as it was being stuck in my apartment, I really shouldn’t complain. It may not have been a break, nor was it fun, but I did get better and I wasn’t as miserable as I could have been.

It’s a bit of that first world problems idea: I wasn’t on my death bed (though I was sicker than I’ve been in a while) and I was as pampered as a really sick college student could be, but I was still frustrated to be stuck inside.

Caption: This is what my roommate posted to my Facebook wall when I was first told by the doctors to get in bed and not get out.