DS View: Hunting

This time of year, many students are excited about getting outdoors for deer season.

This month is one that many people — particularly here in the Midwest — look forward to. Not because of the balmy weather or Thanksgiving, but because November is the beginning of deer season.

Many students at UND choose to take advantage of the short window of time they have to hunt deer, particularly across North Dakota and Minnesota.

Students should enjoy themselves and take advantage of deer season if that is how they chose to spend their time — as long as they are safe and responsible when doing so.

It is safe to say almost everyone enjoys spending time outside, especially when many of us spend almost all day in a classroom, office or wherever you may hole up to avoid the bite of the North Dakota wind. However, how we spend time outside varies from person to person. Some people want nothing more than to walk peacefully through nature and take it all in — others want to shoot nature, skin it and enjoy the delicious meat. We believe that you should do whatever floats your boat.

If you choose to hunt, make sure that you are doing so in a safe, legal and respectful manner. Beer and a day of hunting might sound like a fun time, but it’s the best way to get someone killed.

First, make sure that you are wearing appropriate hunting attire. Far too many people die every year in hunting accidents that could have been avoided if one of the parties involved had been wearing bright orange like they were supposed to.

Second, it is both dangerous and illegal to hunt on land in which hunting is prohibited. Hunting in a national park can result in large fines and, depending upon the severity of the offense, jail time. If a protected animal is killed, whether on purpose or by accident, the offense could result in a year in jail.

Finally, be respectful of everyone else, whether they are other hunters or just people out on a walk. For example, give other hunters their space, making sure to remain quiet so you don’t ruin that perfect shot for anyone else and leave your spot as clean as when you found it.

Whether you choose to spend your time outdoors walking around the woods or perched up in a tower waiting for dinner to walk into view, make sure that you are acting in a respectful and responsible manner in consideration of everyone else.