The 2025 Spring Semester is in full swing, and with this comes exciting opportunities to enjoy live music presented by the music students at the University of North Dakota. The spring semester is always a busy time for these students, but their performances do a great job of showcasing their hard work. There are many opportunities over the next few weeks and throughout the semester to hear these students and witness the talents that are nurtured by the UND music department.
An especially exciting event that is coming up soon is the “Voices of Justice” concert. This will take place at 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 23 in the historic VandeWalle Court Room in the UND Law School. This concert is a unique opportunity to listen to incredible music performed by students of UND Voice Studios as law students provide dialogue about the correlation between music and law concepts.
Just one day after this event is the “Women in Song” concert, which features music performed by the various treble voices of the UND Music Department. This concert is meant to highlight the voices and talents of women in music for the sake of Women’s History Month. The pieces that will be performed are written by women and relate to the various topics surrounding women’s history. This performance will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 24 in the Josephine Campbell Recital Hall.
Another upcoming Choral performance is the Concert Choir, Enöxa, Bards, and Goliards Concert, which will take place at Calvary Lutheran Church on Mar. 1 at 7:30 p.m. This performance is especially exciting as it showcases each group that is conducted by Casey Behm, who was recently hired to fulfill the role of Director of Choral Activities at UND.
Throughout the semester, there are a few opportunities for Student Showcases. These events serve as an opportunity for individual students or small ensembles to participate in a showcase of talent. They can perform pieces that they have been working on in lessons or in their own time. The first showcase of the semester is coming up on Mar. 3 at 7:30 p.m. This performance will take place in the Joesphine Campbell Recital Hall.
That week will continue to be a concert filled week as there will also be a Chamber Orchestra performance in the Joesphine Campbell Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Mar. 4. As well as this, there will be a Wind Ensemble and University Band concert in the Chester Fritz Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. on Mar. 6.
These are just a few of the upcoming spring semester music events for the months of February and March. Towards the end of April, concerts will pick up again. These will include various choral, large ensemble, small ensemble, band, orchestra, jazz, and other music showcases.
The spring semester can become a stressful time for anyone so finding time to enjoy simple things, like music, is extra important. Any of the events highlighted would serve as a great opportunity to take a break from the stress of schoolwork and the cold weather.
Nora Lee is a Dakota Student General Reporter. She can be reached at