In college, it is probable that a time will come when you seemingly do not have any money for groceries. With increasing prices on food, as well as the cost of living, it is expensive to thrive and exist as a college student. When I had to start buying my own groceries, ALDI proved to be the best option for multiple reasons, the primary reason being the price. ALDI is one of the most affordable grocery stores to exist, making it a perfect candidate for college grocery shoppers.
You may be wondering how ALDI can keep their grocery prices so low in comparison to its competitors. What the average shopper does not see is the cost-cutting measures that the corporation takes to keep their prices wickedly low. For starters, most grocery stores have multiple deals with different brands, offering a variety of selection per product. For example, Hugo’s shoppers may be able to access multiple different brands of peanut butter including Jif, Skippy, and the stores generic brand. While this provides a wide variety of selection, it also costs a decent amount to have all these products on the shelf. ALDI does not have brand deals, and just has their own trademarked ALDI brand in house. This saves money by keeping their own brand on the shelf, and it also makes it easier for the consumer to choose. In addition to this, products are also shelved in the boxes they come in, eliminating the need for employees to stock shelves. This saves money, and in turn makes the product cheaper for consumers. When shopping in Aldi, you will also never hear any music. This is yet another way that the corporation saves money to make the product cheaper. While these are just some of the ways that the corporation keeps their product prices lower, there are many other reasons that exist.
Less expensive products allow college students to purchase more food for less money. Consuming a variety of crucial nutrients is extremely important, especially at a price that college students can pay. Properly fueling yourself, especially with finals week approaching, is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. In addition to the low prices, ALDI functions as an exceptional relief to other grocery stores. The quiet, straightforward environment allows students to make decisions quickly, spend less money and keep their grocery visits short. ALDI offers an efficiency that other stores do not offer. And, as we all know, time is very highly valued in college, as students do not have much of it.
While these are just a few of the things that make ALDI the best grocery store for college students, many others exist. If you have not already shopped at ALDI, I encourage you to do so, in order to save a few bucks.
Sadie Blace is a Dakota Student Section Editor. She can be reached at