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Giving Hearts Day 2024

Aspen Jewkes
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Since 2008, Giving Hearts Day has been recognized as one of the largest fundraising days to function to allow individuals to share Valentine’s Day love with local charities and those who need extra support. Giving Hearts Day was started by the Dakota Medical Foundation, or DMF, based out of Fargo, North Dakota. Over the past 16 years, Giving Hearts Day has allowed North Dakota and parts of Minnesota to raise upwards of $150 million dollars for charities. It has gained extreme traction, functioning as one of the biggest fundraising days to exist. Businesses, charities, and organizations around Grand Forks participate in this special day, beckoning others to support charities missions and improve the overall health, wellness, and happiness of others. Around Giving Hearts Day, individuals are encouraged to donate online to their charities and organizations of choice.  

The University of North Dakota participates in Giving Hearts Day. This year, UND opened a designated website online, inviting individuals to donate to support someone at the University. Along with the University, the Newman Center on campus participated in Giving Hearts Day. Due to a generous donation given to the Newman Center, every donation made was matched up to $50,000 to help reach the goal of $100,000. If students were not able to make donations, the Newman Center encouraged them to still help with Giving Hearts Day by making phone calls to thank donors. This was a way for students to help participate in the day, even if they were not able to physically donate. If you are not able to donate for Giving Hearts Day, most organizations still encourage volunteering to still be involved with Giving Hearts Day.  

Another organization that was involved in Giving Hearts Day was Archives Coffee house, allowing their employees to choose a charity of their choice to donate to for Giving Hearts Day. Archives Coffee posted on their Instagram with pictures of their employees with shorts bios explaining why they chose their certain charity. This business set an incredible example of what it means to actively participate in Giving Hearts Day to make a difference. In addition to this, Archives gave out heart shaped cookies with their handmade drinks. This was a great day to spread the message of Giving Hearts Day and celebrate the season of love and giving right before Valentine’s Day.  

Giving Hearts Day proves year after year to be an incredible way to help others through time, talent and treasure. To find out if one of your favorite charities participates in Giving Hearts Day, visit their website, or the Giving Hearts Day website at  


Sadie Blace is a Dakota Student Section Editor. She can be reached at [email protected]. 

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