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Why You Should Study Abroad

Aspen Jewkes

As temperatures continue to drop and the brunt of this winter nears, it becomes incredibly easy to envision a change of scenery from that of Grand Forks. To the surprise of many students, this very change is easier than ever thanks to the numerous study abroad programs that the University of North Dakota offers. These programs enable you to experience a different culture without delaying your academic progress as any accumulated credits are transferable. 

This past week, Dr. Tami Carmichael, a UND English Professor, presented an insightful presentation regarding why you should consider spending a semester abroad in Norway. There are currently 6 affiliated universities in Norway that offer opportunities abroad for UND students. Housing, medical insurance, activities, orientation, and an updated transcript are all included with the initial cost within these programs’ tuition. 

There is also a range of flexibility regarding how long you will be abroad depending on the program. This is dependent on whether you choose to go through an exchange or university directed program. For those looking for a shorter stay, a university-directed abroad program would make the most sense as there are sessions offered over summer, spring, and winter breaks that last only one to three weeks. However, if you plan to spend the entire semester abroad, you will be better suited to choose an exchange or affiliate program run through a third-party company.  

When posed with the question regarding “why you should study abroad,” Dr. Carmichael said, “there is not a better time in your lives to go out and experience a new culture for yourselves than now when you are young” insinuating on the fact that the memories that are made while studying abroad often stick with people for the rest of their lives. A key takeaway being that although it may appear daunting to travel outside the country if you have never done it before it is well worth the risk if you plan accordingly to make it happen.    

Many students are misled into believing that they cannot study abroad due to the financial price tag that inevitably accompanies traveling outside the country. Although plane tickets are often not included in study abroad programs, it is important to note the countless scholarship opportunities that UND offers specifically for studying abroad. These scholarships help offset many costs associated with travel and more details can be found through the UND’s website at 

Regardless of whether you ever thought that you would ever study abroad, I encourage you to visit the UND’s study abroad webpage and take the time to create a study abroad profile. Through this profile you are matched with programs that are specified to where you want to go and what you want to study.  

If you think that studying abroad is something that interests you, be sure to not wait and begin acting now. The application dates for studying abroad this upcoming Summer and Fall are February 15th and March 1st.   


Daniel Silva is a Dakota Student General Reporter. He can be reached at [email protected]. 

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