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Madison Marsh, Active-Duty Air Force Officer, Wins Miss America 2024

Aspen Jewkes
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For over one hundred years, Miss America has existed to inspire other women and allow them to achieve incredible goals that inspire change and help others. This year’s Miss America pageant made unprecedented history, crowning the first ever active-duty service member. United States Air Force Officer, Madison Marsh, was awarded the title of Miss America 2024 at just 22 years old. Marsh is currently a second lieutenant and has been selected by the Air Force to start pilot training following her graduation from the United States Air Force Academy. By using her unique story to inspire other, Marsh stated in multiple interviews that “the sky is not the limit” and has inspired other young women and men to ignite change and strive to do their best. 

Prior to her Miss America crowning, Marsh won Miss Colorado, graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in Physics, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in public policy at Harvard. While this is an already staggering repertoire to bring to the Miss America table, Marsh does not stop there. During the pageant, Marsh spoke about her mother’s journey with pancreatic cancer, causing her to pass away when Madison was just 17. Marsh was extremely saddened yet motivated to spark change. In an interview, Marsh talks about how pancreatic cancer is one of the top fatal cancers, yet it is underrepresented and has had very little research around it. Marsh is now President of the Whitney Marsh Foundation, a non-profit created to pay tribute to her mother through research and pancreatic cancer education.  

During the pageant, Marsh explained that she earned her pilot’s license at a very young age. Marsh is now a second lieutenant and was chosen by the Air Force to be a fighter pilot. She has a flight training slot and will begin her training soon following her graduation. In interviews following her crowning, videos of Marsh experimenting in the F-16D were released. The F-16D is a trainer for the modern-day F-16 and teaches pilot trainees the ins and outs of the aircraft. In an Instagram post made by Marsh, she said that she was able to take one of her experiment flights with the squadron’s one and only fighter pilot. Her story functions as a reminder that what seems impossible is attainable with hard work, dedication, and passion.  

Marsh explains that her values taught at the Air Force Academy have trickled into her mission as the new Miss America. She serves as an incredible role model for men and women of all ages. Marsh plans to continue to lead with her skills learned at the academy and will only grow in her leadership, and she steps into the new role of Miss America. You can follow more of Madison Marsh’s story on her Instagram, @missamericaco. 


Sadie Blace is a Dakota Student Section Editor. She can be reached at [email protected]. 

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