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Avoiding Anarchy: Surviving Graduation

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As we are now into finals week of the Fall 2023 semester, I have reached a point of sadness and elation. I am graduating this semester, and my final fall here at UND has consisted of LinkedIn, Indeed, and Handshake. Interviews, emails, writing tests, and, of course, partying with my friends while I can. While you want to spend your last semester living it up, you also want to spend it gearing up for the real world. You also face the reality of trying to find a job among a population that is hiring but does not want to hire you. Whenever you get close to the cap and gown date, you can use some of these tips and tricks to help you start strong after graduation.  

First, make sure you have a LinkedIn and are regularly updating it. When you graduate college, it is the perfect time for a LinkedIn post. This way, employers can see that you have entered the hiring universe and are looking for work. There are a lot of aspects to a LinkedIn profile, such as there is the profile picture and banner, about me, experience and education, and skills and interests. I think it is best to take these sections little by little. Maybe one day you fill out one section and then you move on to your profile picture. This helps it not seem so overwhelming. Make sure to make some friends on LinkedIn, whether that be former professors, classmates or friends, or even your family. Grow your network in a space with as little socializing as possible.  

Although I prefer Indeed over Handshake, it is good to use both when beginning your job search. Handshake is tricky, since it shows you jobs that are either spot on or so out of your specialties. Still, it is good practice and something to look through during your time at UND. That being said, UND does have a career fair every semester for all majors. This is good for rehearsing your speech about your experience, what you are looking for in a job, and is great for meeting different employers. However, many times, especially if you are an arts or have a niche major, they have no one there for any of the jobs you are searching for. This is when it is a good idea to take to Indeed. Here, you are able to upload your resumé, limit the jobs you want, the location, part time or full time, and more while job hunting. Some applications even have Easy Apply where you are able to submit your resumé and answer a couple of questions to apply for the job. It is very important to read the job description since most of the time they ask specifically for you to apply on their website and provide a cover letter or writing samples.  

Make sure that during this time you are being kind to yourself. I desperately wanted to have a job lined up right after graduation. I wondered what I was doing wrong, criticized myself for doing the tiniest things differently, and compared myself to those who were lucky enough to have something to do. But today, our generation faces the hard truth about finding jobs. It does not matter how much experience you have or how nice you are, there will always be somebody else whether that be a family friend or someone who just said something more impactful than you. The generation controlling jobs now walked into the company on a bright sunny day, with no experience, and got the job. Sometimes it feels hopeless, even now entry level jobs are asking for internship experience. All you can do is take some time for yourself, and try again.  

I know it seems scary; I am a couple days away and already losing my grip, but this is an exciting time. I started college in 2020. When I graduated high school, I was handed my diploma in a paper bag. Now, I am graduating with a Bachelors and get to walk across the stage and accept the degree I have worked so hard on for the past three and a half years. As you finish up your last semester, take time to laugh with your friends, go to parties and hockey games, do your best on homeworks and tests, and prepare to leave the University of North Dakota. Remember the good times, and let that fuel your fire as you take the next step. You got this!  


Claire Arneson is a Dakota Student Section Editor. She can be reached at [email protected] 

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