Throughout the course of my life, I have owned a variety of headphones and speakers that I use to listen to music. Most recently, however, I purchased Apple’s Airpods Max. Despite the price tag, Apple Airpods Max has proven to be the best set of headphones that I have ever owned. The Airpods Max has shown themselves to be an excellent choice for listening to music, studying, working out, and routine day-to-day use.
Prior to buying these headphones, I performed an exceptional amount of research. I ended up choosing the Airpods Max primarily because of their noise cancelling features. The user may choose between Active Noise Cancellation, Transparency Mode, or Off. Active Noise Cancellation provides the user with complete noise cancellation, only being able to hear the headphones content. This feature is extremely convenient for noisier study spaces, such as coffee shops here in town. In contrast to the Active Noise Cancellation, the Airpods Max “Transparency Mode,” provides audio while also allowing external sound to enter the headphones. Both modes provide their own features that are unique to the Apple Airpods Max. The sound quality of the headphones is exceptional.
Perhaps the largest downfall of the Airpods Max is the price tag. With a price tag exceeding $500 after taxes, it was not a light purchase. When debating between the Airpods Pros or Airpod Max, I chose the Max because of their maximum around-the-ear coverage, and exceptional reputation. One of the most prominent issues that I found with the Airpods Max while researching was the clamping force. Many reviews claimed that the Airpods Max had clamping force that caused headaches. However, in my many months of owning them, I have never once experienced this issue. Even with the steep price tag, I found this to be one of my most favorite purchases.
My favorite way to use my Airpods Max is for day-to-day use. I find myself using them most when walking to and from classes and studying. In addition to the noise cancellation, the headphones keep your ears surprisingly warm against the cold North Dakota winds. When studying, the ability to block out external noise comes in handy, allowing you to study virtually anywhere.
Using the Airpods Max for working out has also been another favorite activity of mine. For activities such as lifting or walking, the Airpods Max is a suitable headphone. I have found that running, like with any headphone, causes the headphone to bounce and move quite frequently. However, with everyone, they may fit differently. Like any purchase, I encourage proper research prior to acquiring a pair of Airpods Max.
I have found the Airpods Max to be one of my best purchases thus far. They have been the highest quality headphones I have purchased, equipped with incredibly desirable features for students. Though the price is rather high, the quality of the product is exceptional. With proper care, the Apple Airpods Max is a lifelong headphone, taking music to a new dimension, and audio quality to a new level.
Sadie Blace is a Dakota Student General Reporter. She can be reached at