Pointers On Preparing for the Spring Semester

Ava Stockstad, Reporter

With the fall semester ending, students are preparing for their new schedules to go into effect. Getting ready for the change in daily routine is an effective way to ensure that the spring semester goes smoothly. Here are some tips to help prepare for the upcoming months.  

The first tip might seem obvious, but it is important to mention: staying organized. Keeping school supplies and assignments organized is one of the most effective ways to stay on track with schoolwork. However, something some college students might not think about is keeping their environment organized too. This can be especially important for students in dorm rooms since small spaces can get cluttered quickly. Keeping your space clean can lower cortisol levels and therefore minimize stress, which is especially important as the last half of the year ensues. Keeping your assignments and school supplies organized is great, but it is important for students to also prioritize keeping their environment tidy too.  

Another way to prepare for next semester is to identify what learning methods work best for you. By working according to what learning style best suits you, you can do homework and study your coursework effectively. Consider what helps you remember your class content best. Do flashcards help best? Does typing or writing out notes from lectures help? For some, watching videos or listening to audio-recorded lectures might be the most beneficial. By figuring out what works best for you and working according to your preferred learning style, it can become much easier to process the information you learn in class. This means your classes can become a lot less overwhelming.  

The third tip to help with readying yourself for the spring is to make yourself a daily routine. With new classes comes a new daily schedule, and this can be a difficult adjustment for some. Writing down what your day will look like can make things a lot less daunting. Using a paper planner might be optimal for some, but if you find yourself doing most of your work on your computer, planners like Google Calendar can be extremely helpful.   

The last – and possibly most important – recommendation is to take time for yourself. Practicing self-care is said to “help you adapt to changes, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks,” according to the Mental Health First Aid Curriculum. Self-care activities can include journaling, listening to music, watching a movie or show you enjoy, or even just calling a loved one on the phone. Doing things that make you feel fulfilled and energized can help boost your mood and increase productivity levels, which means that self-care has a monumental impact on your academic performance. Breaking your back to reach your academic goals is not worth compromising your health, so the best thing you can do to prepare for the upcoming semester is to prioritize taking time to yourself. 


Ava Stockstad is a Dakota Student Reporter. She can be reached at ava.stockstad@und.edu.