Spring Giving Back: Greek Philanthropies
April 21, 2022
Fraternities and sororities are still hosting annual philanthropies on campus giving students and people in the Grand Forks community opportunities to give back. There are several chapters hosting philanthropic events throughout this week – including Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Chi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Tau Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Nu.
Lambda Chi Alpha’s philanthropy consists of a whole week’s worth of activities, which acts as a competition between the sororities at UND called Mural Week. The sororities compete in mural paintings, Venmo wars, donating to the food drive, and fraternity t-shirt orders each assigned with point values adding up to a total winning score. But there are opportunities within the week where non-Greek students and the community can get involved too. There will be a Taco-In-A-Bag event on Friday, April 22nd from 4 to 7 pm at the fraternity house for 5 dollars, and all the money raised will go towards UND Food for Thought Food Pantry.
“We are always open to donations of clothing, non-perishable food, or monetary donations to benefit the UND Food for Thought Food Pantry and St. Joseph’s Social Care and Thrift Store,” the Philanthropy Chair for Lambda Chi Alpha, Paul Grainger, said. “Feeding America, our national philanthropy, is the largest hunger relief organization, and they allow us to benefit their cause on a local scale through our philanthropy events.”
Lambda Chi Alpha’s “Watermelon Bust” and city-wide food and clothing drive are some other great opportunities put on by the fraternity that take place in fall, so keep your eye out next year for a chance to be a little philanthropic in your life. Sigma Chi fraternity is also hosting their spring philanthropy events this week calling it Hero Week where, again, sororities participate and compete to win a grand prize from the fraternity. They are accepting Venmo donations @justin-erickson-14 all day Friday, April 22nd where non-Greek students and the community can take part in. All money raised by Sigma Chi goes towards the Huntsman Cancer Institute and their research into a cure to end cancer and creating a better hospital experience for patients.
“In the fall next year, we will be having our main philanthropy, derby days, and we should have multiple events throughout that week where people within the community and non-Greek students can participate,” the Philanthropy Chair for Sigma Chi, Jeffrey Kincaid, said. “Cancer has affected me like it has for almost everyone, so when I heard that Sigma Chi’s philanthropy donated towards cancer, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it.”
Kappa Alpha Theta’s spring philanthropy event, Chips and Cheese, on Saturday, April 23rd, which is open to anyone and everyone from 5 to 9 pm at the sorority house and costs 5 dollars. Their fall philanthropy is a flag football game between the fraternities where anyone can attend and cheer on their friends.
“Our philanthropy is CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates, which represents the best interests of abused and neglected children during court proceedings, and they are the ‘eyes and ears’ of the judge for children in foster care,” the Philanthropy Chair for Kappa Alpha Theta, Lilly Wyluda, said. “When learning more about CASA and how big of a difference it makes for children in the foster care system, I knew I wanted to be deeply involved with our philanthropy.”
Delta Tau Delta is hosting their Delt smash philanthropy event where people can essentially “take a swing at a junkyard car” according to Student Involvement on May 7 from 12 to 5 pm at the fraternity house. They will have a DJ, Barbecue, and Slip and Slide with all proceeds going towards JDRF, nonprofit funder of type 1 diabetes research.
Pi Kappa Alpha’s Pike-A-Thon is having their kickoff on Thursday, April 21st running from 6 to 8 pm where people can hangout around the bonfire. Attendees can make donations and do different “punishments” to any member of the fraternity such as throwing water balloons at a member, dumping a bucket of water on a member, or a one-minute hose down. All proceeds will go towards Special Olympics North Dakota, athletes in need of equipment, training, or health screenings.
Sigma Nu is having their Sigma Noodles philanthropy event open to students and the public on Friday, April 22nd as well from 10 pm to 1 am at the fraternity house. They are raising money for National Alliance on Mental Health, which “is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness,” said NAMI.
Kelsie Hildebrand is a Dakota Student General Reporter. She can be reached at kelsie.hildebrand@und.edu.