UND’s New Strategic Plan is Set to Launch in 2023

Kelsie Hildebrand, General Reporter

On Thursday February 17th, President Armacost launched UND’s new strategic plan at the open house in the Memorial Union and is moving forward with the following steps for said plan. “Development of UND’s next strategic plan will reflect greater aspiration, commitment to excellence, cohesion among campus and community partners, contributions to the State of North Dakota, and promotion of unbounded creativity and discovery by our campus members,” according to the University of North Dakota. 

Phase one, which has been in motion from December 2021 to early February 2022, is the planning phase. The phase consists of organizational framework development, identify and confirm committee co-chairs, timeline and deliverables establishment, website development, planning committee names, etcetera. President Armacost has already completed the first step of phase two, Discovery, which is launching the Strategic Planning Process. Phase two will stretch until July 2022 when campus survey and townhalls are held. 

Development, feedback, and refinement, phase three, will begin in the fall of next school year and go until December 2022. This is the finalizing phase where workgroups determine actionable goals under each pillar and method of tracking KPI’s, revise plan as needed based on feedback, start creating marketing materials and planning launch event, finalize plan to be submitted to President for endorsement, et cetera.  

The President’s unveiling of the new Strategic Plan to the campus and community, the Annual University Address to announce upcoming priorities, and Strategic Planning Committee progress tracking on goals is the final phase, Launch and Beyond, which will begin at the start of 2023. The goal of the new Strategic Plan is to “build on the strengths of One UND and our progress and continuing work on several key strategic initiatives,” said the University of North Dakota. “The plan will have direct connections to the UND Alumni Association and Foundation Campaign.” 

For more information or to watch President Armacost’s launch of the new Strategic Plan, visit the University of North Dakota website under the ‘About’ tab will be a Mission and Strategic plan page.  


Kelsie Hildebrand is a Dakota Student General Reporter. She can be reached at kelsie.hildebrand@und.edu.