Students Have a Voice

Cortnie Cottrell, News Writer

A recent survey has been sent out to the student body via email here at the University of North Dakota, regarding some possible additions and changes in amenities for next year and years to come. After the proposal for the new Memorial Union was voted on and passed, private developers recognized this movement and potential and are currently seeking out the demands that UND students have for new amenities to complement their new Memorial Union.

A few potential ideas that the private developers have pondered are restaurant, shopping, and banking options that would allow for student living above, but it is up to the students to decide what they really want. The private developer’s goal is to enhance our campus in making it the best and most vibrant that it can possibly be. There are currently no decisions finalized yet, but once the surveys are accounted for the student government hopes to begin to see changes from the developers in late spring or early summer of 2019. The time these new amenities will be available to the students will depend on when the Memorial Union is completed. Private developers are striving to have the new buildings and amenities readily accessible at the same time as the new union’s availabilities.

The idea began about four years ago when there was talk about a new building for the Memorial Union. Two years later, the budget and plans were reevaluated which resulted in the price tag decreasing. With the price drop, the private developers decided to take action. With the help of U3 consultants from Pennsylvania, ideas based off what other campuses across the states are providing in order to be able to thrive and have an outstanding college community were put into place.

“Main avenue is going to be an entire change for today, tomorrow and for many years to come,”  Erik Hanson, UND Student Body President said.

Hanson answered questions many may have about finances. Staff and students should not fret about the funds coming from their own pockets. The private developers have agreed to provide 100 percent  of the funding for all new coming amenities. They are not asking for a single penny of our money; however, they are asking for students’ opinions. They want to know exactly what we want, whether it is a pizza shop or a grocery store or a Target or a Gap, it is up to us, all that is needed is the surveys to be completed.

“I am really excited for the possible changes to come to the university and I think that it is extremely generous of the developers to place such high value in our opinions,” UND Freshman,Taylor Sagen said. “Therefore, I believe as students, we need to do our part by completing the surveys.”

This is an investment for the entire campus.

“The biggest factor is that students are active and engaged in this project, we have elections every year and we are always hoping to hear feedback and criticism,” Hanson said.  “Our main goal is for students to be involved, we truly want every student’s voice to be heard.”


If you have any questions regarding this proposal, Erik Hanson would be more than willing to answer them.