Family Friendly Fair Fun

The Downtown Development Association hosted many events such as street vendors, kids activities, and live music during Friday and Saturday Downtown Street Fair. Quinn Robinson / Dakota Student

Molly Andrews, Writer

Food trucks, games and much more lined the streets of downtown Grand Forks this Friday and Saturday. The roads were closed and many people lined them to check things out and grab a bite to eat. Live music and sweet smells filled the air. This was all thanks to the Grand Forks Third Annual Street Fair.


There were many different food trucks that all had lines of people waiting to order. Some had classic fair food and others were authentic cuisines from around the world. The wind carried these smells all around Grand Forks on Saturday.


Not only was there great food, but there were also fun games for kids and families to play.  Different cornhole games were lined up next to each other and children were doing flips with bungee cords. There was a blow up pool filled with water where people could go in plastic balls and run into each other.


There also was a farmers market in the Town Square on Saturday where multiple local people were selling things they had made. There was salsa, jewelry and honey to name a few. Picnic tables lined the outside and many people sat and enjoyed each other’s company.


Sandy Moen and Sue Schaumeurg were some of the individuals that were sitting and enjoying the food and sunny weather.


“It’s relaxing,” Schaumerg said. “And of course the food is good.”


Schaumerg enjoys looking around at the vendors and the crafts. She also expressed how she works fairly close and could hear the music from her office and how that got her excited to go.


Even if it is just to grab some food with a friend, the street fair was a nice place to be able to sit down and catch up.


“I think the sense of community is good and being out with others,” Moen said.


Events like this can bring people together. Everyone is there with a shared interest in the town in someway so it is a great opportunity to meet new people and run into some people you might not have seen for awhile.


“You get a lot of people out that don’t usually go out,” Schaumerg said.


She said it was nice to go and see some familiar faces she doesn’t always get to see. Both Schaumerg and Moen expressed how they had attended the Street Fair in previous years and they are both planning on going again.


They also talked about the change in downtown and how many new things such as the street fair are happening and it is having a positive effect on Grand Forks. They were happy to see that spaces are finally being used and filled with people.


The fun didn’t just happen during the day. At night, there were concerts and many people went out to dance and listen to the music.


Overall, the Downtown Street Fair seemed to bring a lot of people to the downtown area of Grand Forks where they enjoyed each other’s company.


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