Chester Beltowski
Photo by Nicholas Nelson/The Dakota Student.
The shooting that took place Feb. 28 in the Altru parking lot was the end result of a high-speech car chase in which multiple Grand Forks Police officers attempted to pull one David James Elliott over without compliance, according to a UPD press release.
Police set out to find Elliott in response to a 911 call made because Elliott was seen sitting in the Wells Fargo Bank parking lot looking suspicious. Lieutenant Dwight Love told the Grand Forks Herald he cannot remember what was suspicious about Elliott’s truck.
According to the Grand Forks Herald, the initial vehicle pursuit was called off due to safety concerns, but was later resumed after a second call came into the police station regarding Elliott.
Again, Elliott failed to comply when officers tried to pull him over, and the chase eventually ended in the Altru parking lot after spike strips rendered his truck immobile, according to the Herald.
Elliott allegedly ignored police requests asking him to turn off his vehicle and instead hit his accelerator and rammed into a Grand Forks County Sheriff deputy’s car straight on. The deputy was uninjured, according the the Herald.
In response to this, UND Police Officer Jerad Braaten shot Elliot multiple times.
Elliott is alive but has sustained serious injuries from the shooting.
Elliott’s wife Jennifer told the Herald that her husband was shot six times, including at least once in the face, but that he is currently stable.
Braaten remains temporarily suspended until the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation looks further into the case.
Marie Monson is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at marie.iva.monson@my.und.edu.