Ever since I was a small child, I’ve wanted to travel the world and see what it has to offer.
Exotic places and cultures have always fascinated and intrigued me. It all started with my first visit to New York City when I was little.
Experiencing the plethora of different cultures and people that live there had a strong impression on me. I was astounded that this many different people could all live in the same place, yet be from so many different locations.
Walking through the city, there were Pakistani restaurants, Honduran restaurants, and of course there was Chinatown. From that point on, I promised myself that I would see as many of these places as possible.
Since then, I’ve traveled around the US quite a bit, taking road trips up and down the East coast, through the Midwest, and a few western states. I’ve been to 31 states, and each one gave me a different experience.
There’s something about seeing other places and getting away from what I’m used to, that I really enjoy.
Most people I knew back home weren’t really interested in seeing different places and becoming more cultured, in that respect. Most of them never left town after high school. I didn’t want that to be me, so I made a promise to myself that I was going to see the world. I made a list of purely amazing places that interested me, and I still keep it to this day.
Part of that dream is being a pilot. Seeing places all over the world is part of the job description, so I should have a much easier time completing my list after I graduate. Until then, I plan on traveling abroad, taking more road trips, and experiencing as much of the world as possible and everything it has to offer.