I visited Austin, TX over the weekend.
Austin has a massive population of artists, many who are musical, obviously, but there is also a fair amount of urban street artists. It’s no surprise since Daniel Johnston’s “Jeremiah” (aka “Hi, How Are You”) graffiti mural was made famous in 1992 by Kurt Cobain when he wore a t-shirt it to MTV’s Video Music Awards.
Of course, I was on the hunt for some graffiti while I was there. I did find a very large graffiti-filled area near the Castle Hill neighborhood in downtown Austin. I bumped into a street artist who went by the name Max Malone and he was gracious enough to let me photograph him while he worked.
While speaking with Mr. Malone, I learned he is originally from New York City and is in Austin working on some projects with some friends of his. He was very laid-back, which wasn’t at all surprising, and he was very meticulous with his work. Here are some photos of Mr. Malone working on a mural: