BLOG: Joys of visiting home

Hey UND!

I hope you all had a wonderful three-day weekend. I’d like to share with you a bit about mine.

I went home this weekend for the first time since August. This may not seem like a big deal to a lot of you who don’t particularly enjoy your homes, but it was a rare treat for me! I talk to my mom everyday on the phone. Judge me. I’ve gotten a lot closer to her since I’ve been away. But going home to see my friends and sleep in my own bed was nothing short of heavenly.

My oldest sister came home this weekend too. She’s six years older than me and is one of my best friends. As we’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten much closer to my sisters. While we were home, we did a lot together. I also spent some time with my best friend who I haven’t seen since August. That’s too long to be apart!

I left Friday right after class and got home at about 4:30 pm. I ate dinner with my grandma and she chatted my ear off about all the town’s business and what she’s been doing. I adore her. She’s the cutest thing, and she’s such a sass. I don’t know where I’d be without her.

After that, I went to my best friend’s house and we spent the evening watching movies, eating pizza and cheesy bread and catching up. I definitely needed that. On Saturday, I got coffee with a friend and was able to catch up with her and her family as well. It was nice to see everyone I’d been missing since August. My sister got home on Saturday and my family and I went out for dinner.

Sunday was a lazy day, and my sister and I baked and helped my dad put in the flooring for our living room. We are putting new floors in our house, so we pitched in and helped out. My sisters and I always joke that we are our father’s best sons, since he only has daughters.

It was a great weekend, but a short one. I can’t wait to go home for Thanksgiving when my whole family will be there and I can be with them all at once. I love my family and no matter how far apart we are, we will always be together. <3

Below are pictures of the delicious meal my sister and I made for our parents, as well as a bag full of cereal that we got from our neighbors. If anyone knows me well, they’d know I’m an absolute sucker for cereal. Love that stuff. 🙂