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With the start of a new month, a multitude of volunteering opportunities across the area for college students to get involved in. Here’s a few organizations and events that are looking for helpful hands.
October 2nd through October 6th, the Full STEAM Ahead event will be taking place from 4 to 7 pm here in Grand Forks. This event is put on by the Dakota Science Center, whose mission is to “encourage lifelong curiosity and fascination with science in children, parents, teachers, and the community…” and the DSC holds several different events for kids to develop their intellectual skills and interests in subjects like science, math, and engineering. The organization is looking for volunteers to help overlook the learning stations that will be set up at the event.
From October 12th to the 15th, the East Grand Forks Campbell Library will be seeking out volunteers for their Friends of the Library Booksale. Volunteers are asked to assist in setting up and keeping book display tables in order, as well as helping community members with any questions they might have. There will also be a bake sale taking place at the library, and a few volunteers will be needed to help overlook the bake sale tables as well. The book sale will be taking place from 8 am to 5 pm, but volunteers are typically expected to take part in 2 to 3 hour shifts.
If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity that fits your busy schedule, a virtual or remote option might be better for you. While there’s dozens of options out there, one opportunity available to Grand Forks community members is the Tellegacy program. Through Tellegacy, you can build listening skills and create connections with people through scheduling phone calls or visits with senior citizens in the area. This opportunity is optimal if you’re finding yourself unable to commit to large-scale events or time-consuming opportunities. Tellegacy gives you a chance to set your own schedule. With the proper online training, this opportunity is easily accessible to college students. You can find more information at tellegacy.org.
For any of the previously-listed volunteer opportunities that will be taking place in the Grand Forks area, you can find more information or sign up for shifts by heading to volunteermatch.org and finding volunteer opportunities in the Grand Forks area. Sign up links are given on the website.
Ava Stockstad is a Dakota Student General Reporter. She can be reached at ava.stockstad@und.edu.